. Sarang cave, an exotic cave with hidden beauty




Sarang cave, an exotic cave with hidden beauty

A cave that is a natural nest of fruit bats and swallows

Aceh, a province located on the western tip of the island of Sumatra, has a truly extraordinary natural charm, one of which is in the city of Sabang. This city, which is located in an archipelago across the north of the island of Sumatra, has a variety of beautiful tourist attractions. There, we can find many places to play water and enjoy the view of the ocean. If you are bored playing on the beach, try to go on an adventure to the cave. One of the favorite caves in Aceh is the Sarang cave.

This one tourist destination is not only located at an altitude but also hides behind a hillside with a background of a group of small islands. Makes our guts feel tested. No wonder, Sarang Cave is the right destination for adventure lovers. In fact, some equate the beauty of this cave with Raja Ampat in Papua. Sarang Cave is formed naturally where outside the cave you can see the blue seawater. 

This cave has a stunning view. Access to the location is quite steep. In fact, herein lies the challenge. Located at the foot of the cliffs and hills of the protected forest of Pulau Weh, Sarang Cave is surrounded by a clear sea with dense trees. No wonder this place has natural beauty. The atmosphere is also beautiful with cool and fresh air. However, upon entering the cave, everything was dark. There was no light and no sound other than the sound of water falling from the ceiling. To get into the cave, we need to take a small boat like a canoe.

The view of the calm sea, clear and white sand, as well as rocks of various sizes protruding from the sea surface, make the waters around Sarang Cave look like a miniature of Raja Ampat. These waters have recently become a favorite place for snorkeling lovers because of their unspoiled coral reefs and the diversity of fish in them.

There are seven cave mouths in this place, but only five caves can be entered, from these caves we can enjoy a spectacular sunset. Not a few travelers want to climb the large rocks around the cave, to the top, in order to capture this beautiful sight.

Travelers who want to capture the scenery around the Sarang Cave from a height can try this photo spot. There are two pairs of swings that are located at a height with a group of small islands in the background.

A little tip for traveling to Sarang cave is don't forget to bring a waterproof flashlight so you can enjoy the beauty inside the cave.

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